Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Crack House

WEll, my owners got me a really special Christmas gift this year...it's my own crack house! I love it. It's a little tent thing with a nice crinkle pad in it that feels like I'm laying on a plastic bag but best of all, I have my own puppy that is rubbed with cat nip! I spend alot of time in there now! My lady person restocks the dope every so often so that I can get my fix and life is good! Finally a present for me...not a dumb toy to amuse them...

Merry Christmas all...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Help, I'm drowning...

Well, not really but our sump pump did malfunction a few weeks ago turning our basement into a water feature. Thankfully, no more than an inch of water but enough to make the carpet/padding a goner and two feet of drywall. I guess we'll have to finish the basement, again...

Not much else is really interesting in my life. I chase around preschoolers, cook meals, clean house, etc. The little ones are really cute tho and as soon as I figure out how to post pics in my posts, you'll get to see more of them.

Till next time...

Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year is Here!

Murphy, here. My "master" has been butting in alot lately but I'm back and it's my turn to talk! The humans put up all these decorations this past month and I've made it my duty to move stuff around as I see fit. Ya, that Christmas tree...ha! They may have to buy a real one next year cause I've gotten quite good at making the branches come out of the pole like base in the middle. Gotta love sagging boughs! LOL. That kept the man human on his toes! He just hates it when I go under the tree and stretch my legs...oops, there goes another branch. Oh and the bells were great! jingle, jingle, jingle....any time, day or night...preferably night!

Also, my humans don't get around to my litter box enough. I demand that my litter be changed immediately after I do my business day or night...otherwise, it's not MY fault is poop gets stuck to my feet and is found throughout the house. Oh, are cats supposed to cover their duty...oops....

Well, all I got for Christmas this year was a lousy stocking filled with cat toys that I have no interest in. They finally took the decorations down so now I can sit in my window downstairs again...it's about time. Oh and my birthday was just before Christmas, too. I'm a whole 8 years old - um that's 56 years old for you humans. Ya, I'm pretty old but I'm hanging in there, much to my humans displeasure. I keep them amused though so don't accuse me of not being a good cat. I have this paw sucking thing I do that they find quite enjoyable. I make a really loud annoying sound when I do it, too. Great for when there's a lot of company around. I'm a real crowd pleaser. Oh, and for my birthday, all I got was this weird cloth thingy with cat nip in it. At least they gave me a nice high for my birthday.

Ok, I think my human will be on here soon with another boring update on the fam...

See ya.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Master Speaks Again

Wow, we had snow this weekend! I guess I shouldn't be so surprised considering I do live in Canada but snow makes me feel like Christmas is coming quickly! I already know most of what I want to buy people for gifts so I am itching to get to the mall and shop, shop, shop! Anyone want to watch my kids for a day so I can do this? I will not take them with me...just too much for me! Maybe my mom will watch em for me?

Elizabeth woke up on Saturday morning saying that her ear hurt really bad! I gave her some tylenol and called the telehealth nurse. She suggested I take her to the clinic that same day so I did. We waited over an hour to get in. The kids did okay playing in the waiting room, though. just before we got in to see the doc, Elizabeth came up to me and said "my ear hurts, ow ow". I told her that we would be seeing the doc really soon so to just keep playing. So, she did. Soon the doc was checking her ears and looked in the sore one. She gasped! That is really bad, she says. She asks what I have given her for the pain and I told her about the tylenol and she ran down the hall to get some motrin for her and immediately gave her a dose of it! She then told me that the last kid that came in with an ear that red that he was squealing in pain so much they had a hard time getting him to take the pain relief! My little one must have a really high pain tolerance! She's been taking the yucky tasting medicine like a trooper, too! I'm so proud of my little girl!

Nothing else too interesting going on...Murphy will come and chat more in a few days. He's too lazy to say anything now!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's the master talking...

Murphy was too tired to come down here and dictate to me today so I am here to share with you today.

Family is doing really well right now. DH is making money right now so we are frantically trying to pay off debt while the money is good. We paid off our Visa Card today!! yay...now we are putting it away! We are next going to pay off our mastercard. I know really interesting info but we are so excited to be out of overdraft and on our way to being debt free! Wooohooo...

Murphy has been annoying as usual. Being that it is harvest season, I have been decorating around the house with gourds and indian corn and have discovered that Murphy likes to nibble on the corn husks!!! My eyes are rolling can you see that? Then he eats too much of it and gets sick! Yuck! Cat puke is awful!

Oh and he's onto us too...Most nights when dh and I go to bed, Murphy will run into the room and hide under the bed before we close the door for the night. See Murphy likes to sleep on our bed with us but not at the foot of the bed...generally on our feet, legs or even between my thighs some nights! So annoying. I like to lay on my stomach and he'll perch right between my legs for the night so if a child wakes up or I have to use the washroom, I can't move. Also, dh is allergic to him a bit so he doesn't like him in the room all night. Well, once Murph is under the bed, there's no getting him out. I've tried cat treats, my lazer light (which he generally likes to chase), string, vacuums...LOL nothing works. He knows we are trying to get him out and he won't budge...C'est la vie with Murphy...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Isn't the biggest bed mine????

I just don't understand it, humans...why do my masters get sooo upset with me when I lay on their feet/legs/face at night. They have the biggest bed in the house, you would think that they would share with me! I work so hard throughout the day keeping all the couches warm for them. They just don't understand how difficult it is to be me. I'm amazing, I purr for the kids, I eat whatever they feed me (well, for the most part), I put up with them shaving me. What more could they ask for. Does anyone have these types of issues with their masters?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This is the life...

Oh, hello again. I am just in the middle of my thirteenth nap today. This one has been on the leather couch downstairs. I have so far today napped in several different places. In fact my favourite spot lately has been on a box my master Noelle had left in the living room. It's a little squished right now but that has NOTHING to do with MY weight. It must have just been a very weak box! Oh well...

We got the four year old humans school pictures today. I would prefer her with more fur but she was very cute, I must admit. I'm sure as soon as the pictures come in (these were just the proofs) that Noelle will post them here for you all to see. My masters really like their little humans for some reason. One day I'll figure that out. To me, if you feed me, you're my friend. What more do you need in life?

You guys probably want to hear more about my masters, don't you...Okay, I will give in to your pleas for information.

Master Will is working at a new job that he's had since June. It's been a great change for him. I can't understand how you can work somewhere that doesn't give you incentives like Temptations Cat Treats but he likes it alot. The people there are very nice and treat him well. His partner is a piece of work but they are praying about that one. The other two people in his department are great people so that makes up for his partner in the department being a bit deliquent. You can't have everything...that is unless you are an amazing feline like moi!

Master Noelle is working on her devotional for her Mothers of Preschoolers group. It's about Patience with God. She keeps talking about how this is very close to her heart as she really needs alot of patience with God right now. It's a whole trusting in HIM issue apparently. She is also cleaning, cooking a million recipes with turkey as we've just had thanksgiving and trying to balance the budget. She just LOVES doing the budget...Okay, I am being a bit sarcastic on her behalf. My favourite thing to do while she's trying to work on it is to constantly rub up against her legs and lick her toes if she's sockless. Today, she had one leg up on a chair so I just kept rubbing against it. It drives her nuts...mwahahahaha. I love to drive my masters nuts.

So, we had Thanksgiving here on Saturday with Noelle's family. What a bunch of very loud individuals! There was three of the four brothers with the one sister-in-law, one cousin, one boyfriend (of the brother...whatever...even us cats know that you need a male and a female), one aunt, the parents, and six neices/nephews. Oh and me, but two people in the family are allergic to me so I get locked in the laundry room during the meal. So not fair! Oh there was also a 1 year old 2nd cousin there too. She loved to hit me on the head. Gotta love kids...NOT!

Well, it was a busy day Saturday but I had the joint to myself on Sunday. They went to Will's family on Sunday afternoon. It was so quiet here all evening but then they all come back smelling like dog and smoke...there must have been a really big dog there. That family gathering is apparently huge. From what I could surmise there were about 30 people there!

I don't feel like typing anymore so I will leave it at that for today. You humans just remember that cats are king and dogs are dumb...